Welcome to the English page on licht + ruimte, coaching and inspiration
licht en ruimte would literally translate to: light and space/ious
The Oxford dictionary tells us:
Light; (a) kind of natural radiation that makes things visibleSpace(ious); unused area between two ore more points/ having or providing much space
A. Nicoline Smoor facilitator & coach

After studying Business at the Nyenrode Business Universiteit (BBA), Nicoline worked in various management positions. In 1994, she took the Coach Training at The MMS Worldwide Institute in The Netherlands. Following this period, until 2001, she managed her own company from London and Amsterdam in coaching, communication advice and text & editing.
Coaching has been her main professional activity since 2001. For corporate and for private clients, both inside and outside of The Netherlands. Nicoline has facilitated many of the activities of the MMS in The Netherlands until mid 2008. She enrolled in the masters course Conflict Management at Maastricht University and participated in many different workshops on (systemic) family constellations (Bert Hellinger). In 2008 she finished a course in systemic thinking and working, in 2009 ‘Living and Working from the soul’. In the years after, more thematic training days followed. Since March 2009 Nicoline is a certified facilitator of the Inner Links Transformation Game.
Nicoline is married to Elias Woudenberg and mother of son Wieger (18).
on her work and approach as a coach
Does your job make full use of the talents you have? Do you doubt your own approach or the path that you are on? Do you sometimes feel you are stopping yourself in some way or maybe even obstructing others? Is your team not creating the changes you set out for them to reach? Or, are you getting ready for your ultimate challenge?
If you are ready for taking new steps but you aren’t quite sure how to go about it or which direction you should take, coaching could be an option for you (and your team). You may discover new ways to reach your goal in a more effective way, by venting your feelings and giving them some space, shining some light on to your self or those areas that you find harder to deal with.
During an intake I will ask you to describe your goals and together we will make a plan. This will include some ongoing evaluations. Depending on your goals and your starting point, the amount of coaching meetings usually varies between 4 and 8 sessions. On average, a meeting takes about one and a half hours.
My approach is by facilitating and reflecting. It’s all about listening to the signals you are giving me – and about you making your own choices and agreements with yourself. That starts with a good conversation with yourself and ends with putting this into action to bring your talents and dreams alive.
what others say@Nicoline
I am a different person compared to when I started. Today I have the instruments to follow up on the chosen path. Today, I am a happier person, getting more and more reconnected with who I am in essence.
Nicoline is an intelligent, empathic and warm person who has shown me the mirror to help me move forward. I can highly recommend her.
As a coach, Nicoline holds the perfect mirror with ease, provides genuine and incisive insights into behaviours that are easy to connect with, simple to adapt and to practice. She made a 'real difference' to me.
During the Inner Negotiation Workshop (INW) I have been coached by Nicoline. During these two days I felt looked at objectively, sharing her findings without judgement. Priceless. Asking in depth questions. For me that's the essence of coaching: this way I myself could feel and see where I was and where I wanted to move towards. She was sharp and present until the last moment of the workshop. For me as an exhausted participant after two intense days, extremely valuable.
Nicoline brings a fresh perspective to every problem. As my personal coach for 8 months, her partnership was outstanding. With her support I confronted some of my deepest fears and got in touch with my dreams once again. She is perceptive and has a great ability to listen to the unsaid and voice it for you. She brings great warmth and empathy into every client relationship. Her professionalism, tenacity and energy are worth emulating. She adds value both to the individual, the processes and the organisation through her interactions.
Through her coaching, Nicoline has brought a fresh level of confidence and energy in me. She is a very caring person and her approach to her coachees is very friendly, warm, gentle yet firm and persuasive enough, clearly bringing out the areas where the coachee can improve. She has been able to not only highlight what to improve, but really given some very useful, doable suggestions on the way to improve. With this she helped me regain the self-confidence I had lost.
past exhibitions v

teja van hoften
Jacomijn van der Donk & Clementine Oomes
Miriam Londono
Tineke Smith
Caren van Herwaarden
Anniversary Exhibition 5 years licht + ruimte
Hans Steffelaar
Willibrord Huijben
Marieke Bolhuis
Marian Bijlenga
Barbara Houwers
Mica Okuno
Françoise Stoop
Hester van Dapperen
Marian Smit
Pieter Schunselaar
Wouter Stips
Marleen Leysen
Hans Keuls
Marijke de Goey
Niels Smits van Burgst
Pien Maso
Hester Van Dapperen
Christie Rusche
past performances v

Doldie (Violet Noorduijn) (zang)
Nora Mulder (harmonium), Silvia Mancuso (zang) and Bas Wiegers (viool)
Bartho Braat & Kim Soepnel (contrabas) with De Burggravin van Vergi
Eveline Juten (singing & lute)
Julia Tom (cello)
Carla Leurs (violin)
Messrs. Ikegaya (Shakuhachi) and Toyama (singing and Shamisen)
Rinus Vlaming (accordion)
Theater Draad (theater van de ontmoeting)
Mirjam Rietberg (harp)
acting beauty
Carezza (Sjoukje Kooistra, Rica Dijkstra and Wouter de Koning)
Jacqueline Edeling (accordion-family)
Leine (singing/guitar)
Stijn & Mirjam van der Loo (text, piano & singing)
Habiba (harp/singing)
Guy Sonnen & Rudolf Nottrot (violin)
Meindert Velthuis (bariton/counter tenor) and Marieke de Vries (accordieon)
Living Productions with 'Kunst' and 'Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?'
Nora Mulder (pianorgani) and Winnifred Beldman (chello)
Jasper de Clerq (violin) and Tjitske Jansen (poet)
